Thursday, May 10, 2012

Our First German Easter

My girls think they're going to be taller than me someday, too.  They're probably right.

We enjoyed our first Easter cake lamb.  It reminded me of my Aunt Sue's famous pound cake and was really yummy.  We also introduced my mom to raclette, the French grilling-on-your-table system.

The girls were super excited to wear their Easter hair clips, skirts and sandals, even though it was cold and rainy and all the old people gave us a hard time at church.

I like that Easter is a special time to remember our Savior that is much less hectic and commercial than Christmas.  The girls did each find a surprise Easter morning.  Macy's baby dolls now have orange juice and milk bottles.

Carly got her first fountain pen for school.  She came home a few days later with blue hands and asked, "Guess what we did today, Mom?"

Robyn got a top to play with--a kind that all the kids here play with and collect.


Brittany B. said...

I have fun following your blog and reading about your experiences here in Germany.

I love Raclette! It's a yummy dish from Switzerland. I know missionaries who have served in Switzerland that say they pretty much always get served Raclette for all their eating appointments. haha! The Swiss are proud of their dish ;)

I looked at wiki and learned that in French, the word le reclette is referring to the cheese and the word la reclette is referring to the dish. The word "Raclette" comes from the French word racler, which means "to scrape" :)

Anyways, you have some fun Easter traditions in your family! I love the pictures!

Oh and I had a similar experience with the fountain pens when I was an exchange student. I'm sure my whole class thought I was an idiot for getting ink everywhere (I was in the 10th grade) and Germans learn how to use a fountain pen in elementary school. I had to explain that in America we start learning how to write with a pencil. In my school in America, we weren't allowed to write with a pen until the 6th grade - and it really was just a pen (not a fountain pen) ;)

Your daughters will be pro at writing with fountain pens. It really does make your handwriting look cool once you have it mastered :)

Kam Belly Soup said...

happy easter! i love the spring flowers and colors. forget the grumpy old men. HAHAHA