Thursday, July 19, 2012

A thought I can't seem to shake

While my friends and family are burning up (literally) in America, here we are in Germany in the middle of July wearing jeans and sweaters.

What is this!?

And, I think I have reason to complain until my friend from England informs me that in her homeland they haven't been able to turn the heat off yet.  Good thing they're hosting the summer Olympics.  I'm sure the runners from Africa will be real happy about that.  Everyone tells us, "Don't worry.  This isn't normal."  But, somehow, it's not normal anywhere we go.

For example, Oregon in August is normally quite lovely, or so I've heard.  Except for the summer I was pregnant with my first living on the second story with no AC (Something nobody "normally" needs).  That was the summer they happened to be having a record-breaking heat wave.  Or, the time we were in short-sleeved shirts in Chicago on Christmas...

Maybe I'm just gettin' old complaining about the weather.  Or, maybe there's actually something to it all.  Besides the fires, there have been a few other things going on lately, or even for the past several years.  And, although I hesitate to even approach this topic, I can't seem to stop thinking about it.

The other night, when we were reading about a man in the scriptures who was trying to convince the people that no Christ would come, the girls said, "But, that's crazy!  We know he's going to come.  Look down on the bottom of the page.  It says, '74 B.C.'  That means He's going to come in 74 years!"

Of course, that's easy for us to say now.

We may wonder how people could be blind to the signs of His coming that now seem so obvious to us.  But, He will come again, and it's a conscious effort for me to be drawn to Him, rather than drawn away.

Maybe if I try to remember Jesus every time I have to remember my jeans instead of my shorts, I'll be better off.


The Robins Nest said...

I love your thoughts!

Kristin said...

Really loved reading this. Thank you for your testimony and for sharing it. :)