Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pictures from Prague (finally!)

Our Czech friends invited us to Prague and their town during our summer break.  It was so fun spending time with them again, and meeting their newest addition.  It really is amazing to drive just 5 hours and be in a whole different world.  We loved all the treasures they showed us like hidden tunnels, a singing fountain, and "miracle water."  They made us delicious traditional dishes and took us to their favorite places, both in the famous "Golden City" as well as in the forests.  Our trip was memorable for many reasons, starting with a flat tire and ending with a parking boot.  (Luckily, we were all safe).  We loved seeing new places, trying to new food, and just being together.

Come take a stroll with us on the cobblestone sidewalks.  I can hear the music playing...  


Brittany B. said...

I've been to Prague twice and it looks like you saw things I haven't seen before. Fun pictures! :)

Kristin said...

That is amazing. So cool you go to go there. jon served his mission in the Czech REpublic and spent a lot of time in Prague. You have way better pictures than him. :) It really is beautiful there. Those desserts look amazing and that baby and his curls . . . . what a sweet little thing.