Monday, May 10, 2010

Talk about an Inspiring Mother!

Many people have followed the story of this amazing woman. We were with her and her family in a marriage room during the open house of one of our temples, not realizing at the time that she was the Stephanie Nielson I'd heard so much about. There was another family there with a couple severely handicapped children, as well. I remember having such an overwhelming feeling of what really matters. I'm so grateful we can be with our families forever, and for Jesus Christ's Atoning sacrifice for each of us, that we can all be whole someday, both physically and spiritually.


Heidi said...

I love this too! It is good to have reminders of what is important.

camfox said...

I was moved by this video also. What a lady!

JaredNGarrett said...

A remarkable family. I mean both yours and the Nielsons.