When I was transferring info. from my old calendar to my new one, I realized I hadn't posted the nice/funny things the girls have said for a year now!
So, from Feb. 2011-today:
Macy: Mom, how old is Dora the Explor-ah?
Me: I don't know. I don't think it ever says. I would guess about your age.
Macy: Then, what is she doing out exploring by herself?!
Macy: Someday, I'm gonna be The Mom. And, I'm gonna be The Boss. I'm not gonna work, so I can stay home with my children, but my husband will want to stay home with them, too, so we'll have to work it out.
Me: Jesus Christ was perfect.
Carly (after thinking intently): Does that mean he never spilled his milk?
Macy: Melissa Baxter knows how to have fun.
Macy (while it's snowing at the end of March): I'd like some variety.
Macy: I think it's a good idea to know the person your gonna marry's family. That way, you can make sure they're really not a smoker, you know?
Macy: We took a family picture at preschool. I gotta get my teachers' phone numbers.
Macy: Mom, how do you burp in Spanish?
Carly (while I'm trying to take a picture): Come on, Macy, do a real smile.
Macy: I can't or it looks like I'm in pain.
Macy (the night before Mother's Day): Dad, you need to keep Mom up real late so she'll sleep in, and we can bring her breakfast in bed.
Me: What's a beacon?
Robyn: I know. It's something you drink out of.
Me: No, that's a beaker.
Carly: Beacon would be more than one beaker in German.
Macy: Mom, can you do a cartwheel in German?
Macy (to me while I'm yawning): I can see your lungs!
Carly (looking at the picture of a model on a package of make-up remover wipes): She looks like she's having the time of her life with it.
Carly's phrase of the month: I have a little question for you.
Macy to Myles in the hot tub: Your eyelashes make your whole body look like a girl, but your swimming suit looks like a boy. Relax like you're taking your tooth out with your mouth open.
Macy (talking in her sleep): the sugar was so good, but the table was so sour!
Robyn: My head itches. I think I have cats in the cradle.
Me: What state do we live in now?
the girls: silence
Me: Baden-Wuerttenberg
Carly: I think Utah's easier to say.
Carly: I don't think I've ever walked so much before. You know, after DC with Mike, then New York, and now here without a car.
Macy (pointing to a new post for the blog): I'd like to make a compost.
Me (reading a question from an English/German trivia card): Who can help you if you get lost? A policeman.
Carly: Yeah, or Heavenly Father.
Macy (after Myles prayed in German): It's OK, Dad. He understands you.
Macy (after waking up early): I dreamt a poem. Write it down! Look at you go, go, go! In the snow, snow, snow! Look at you play, play, play! On the sleigh, sleigh, sleigh!
We were watching the movie "Rio" dubbed in German. The girl in the movie moves from The States to Brazil.
Myles: It's surprising for her to open a bookstore. She doesn't even speak Portuguese.
Carly: Well, yeah, Dad, she's German!
Macy: I wish if Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were still living.
Me: Really? Why?
Macy: Because then he could come to my kindergarten and play us a song and we could give him a card and lots of presents, you know with a violin on it.
What I Read in 2022
2 months ago
Ok, so on all these gloomy wintery days in Oregon, I'm going to come to this post everyday for a nice pick me up. LOL!! Good job mom for catching all of these priceless skittles.
Your girls make me smile.
Kids say the darnest things! Art Linkletter & Gram
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