I fell down the same stairs Carly did and really hurt my shin and knee, things became even more up in the air with our graduation/job situation, I was going to be on time for something until I found Laffy Taffy on my hairdryer, Myles and I tried to go out on a date but it didn't work out, I am still having thyroid issues, I had a little breakdown, then our car broke down, I dropped a container of sour cream all over myself and the floor on my way out the door for a baby shower, I dropped a wrench on my foot that we'd used to check the car...You get the point. I was frustrated, agitated, complaining and yelling way too much, completely out of patience with everyone and the world!
Then, a miracle took place.
We went to stake conference. (This is a meeting we get to go to every six months with a large gathering of Latter-Day Saints to be instructed and edified by our leaders). We heard from our stake presidency, President Smith, President Willis, and President Thurston.
This time, we were also blessed to be in the presence of Elder D. Todd Christofferson, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and Elder Steven J. Lund, a member of the Quorum of the Seventy. These men have been ordained with Priesthood authority by God to share the good news of Christ, and that is what they did.
They talked about hope, rising above the troubles of the world and looking upwards. I felt my heart lighten and my frustrations melt away. I came home feeling blessed and wanting to do better.
“Life itself is a great blessing. Can you feel how blessed you are? Life is supposed to be challenging. Life is such that sometimes things go wrong. We can lose focus. Our vision becomes clouded. We become more worldly and less spiritual. If we’re always looking down, we forget to look up. How do we keep the vision? Keep reading and studying the scriptures…To overcome weakness, we have to stretch and endure. Jewels take time and pressure. ‘Be strong and of good courage…for thy God is with thee.’” (President Smith).
Elder Lund told us how the children in the Spanish Ward have been studying a different Apostle each month and prayed that they could meet one. When Elder Christofferson came to visit, he agreed to meet with them. They sang a few songs for him, then lined up to shake his hand. At the end of that, one little boy came up and hugged his leg. Then, the rest of the children formed a line again, so they could hug him, too! He said it was so touching to watch him let these little children come unto him, just as Jesus had in his day. I was blessed with witnessing a similar experience the next day.
While listening to Elder Christofferson speak, Macy drew a picture of him, Mr. Potato Head style, like 3 year olds do. (A big head with big eyes and arms and legs sticking directly out of the head). She told me she wanted to give it to him after the meeting. I told her that I wasn’t sure she’d be able to, explaining that he’d been in meetings and traveling for two days and might have to leave right after. I told her we might have to send it in the mail to him.
I was wrong. He happily stayed to visit. Myles joined the long line with the girls, and I stood back to watch. (I had gotten to meet him the night before). When it got to their turn, Macy handed him her picture, and Elder Christofferson immediately crouched down to her eye level. (Later, Myles told me that he asked, “Is this of me? “ And then said, “ I’ve never looked better!”) Macy then gave him a kiss on the cheek. I was so overwhelmed with the love of the Savior I could feel and Macy could feel through one of his servants, who was so kind and so loving, taking time with each person, one by one.
Our home has already felt closer to heaven on earth since our experiences this weekend.
“Don’t worry about what you’re going to do, but who you are” (what Elder Rasband told Elder Lund when his call was extended to him).
“I invoke His blessing on you that discouragement will not overpower you…that your desires to do good will be awarded with time…We need quiet, spiritual moments in nature, but there is also a need for organized religion, for the purposes for which Christ organized his Church as a refuge, a place to gather…may you have peace and security in a darkening world” (Elder Christofferson).
It is especially at this Thanksgiving time that I’m thankful for my family and friends, my freedoms and life. I am also glad for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which gives me purpose, direction, hope, and joy!
PS With every disappointment, there was at least one blessing:
I fell down the same stairs Carly did and really hurt my shin and knee (no permanent damage, my family had compassion and really helped), things became even more up in the air with our graduation/job situation (Myles is not complaining, so why should I?), I was going to be on time for something until I found Laffy Taffy on my hairdryer (my kids sure keep me laughing!), Myles and I tried to go out on a date but it didn't work out (we got to spend time together later), still having thyroid issues (it can only get better, right? At least there's medicine I can take), I had a little breakdown (a friend was there to help), then our car broke down (it was a nice, sunny day to walk and friends/family were so generous in helping), I dropped a container of sour cream all over myself and the floor on my way out the door for a baby shower (Myles saved the day so I wasn't late), I dropped a wrench on my foot that we'd used to check the car (it's better now).
Christie this is such a touching story! I love how Elder Christofferson bent right down to Macy's level and talked with her! She'll never forget that. Sounds like a great, uplifting experience. It's good to be reminded about our purpose in life; having hope, enduring, and overcoming trials... cause we know we're definitely going to have them! Hope your Thanksgiving holiday is great!
I'm so grateful for moments that help snap me out of myself when I'm feeling stressed or mopey, and make me realize how blessed I really am. I'm sorry you've had a rough patch, but it looks like you're feeling much better about things now - hooray! :) Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!
Oh my goodness--what a beautiful story about Elder Christofferson. What an incredible experience for sweet Macy--and all of you. I needed to read your post tonight. Kinda had one of those days myself. Thank you christy.
PS--you don't seem at all like one who would have a breakdown--you're so calm all the time!! :-) But so amazing how your needs were met through stake conference. Awesome.
Macy is so sweet. We are going to be in Utah Jan 8-11. We were hoping to stop by and say Hi. We will be in Provo Sat and Sunday. Let me know when a good time would be.
I'm sorry you were having some of those moments -- I hate it when everything seems to go wrong. Thank you for sharing all of those beautiful thoughts and great reminders. I will look back at them often. I'm glad things are seeming better, even if they haven't really change, but you are able to see the blessings in your trials. You're a great example.
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