Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cool as Ice

Our whole family got free ice-skating lessons as part of an Olympic Celebration Festival. We mostly learned how to fall, how to get back up and how to march. There were many tears and complaints. As soon as we stepped off the ice, luckily injury free, Carly exclaimed, "I wanna do that again!" Go figure. That night, Myles and I got to see figure skaters, which we had even more of an appreciation for after our little experience. There was an amazing 12 year old girl, and an older woman who performed one of our favorite tricks, a back flip! The grand finale was a fun surprise with glow in the dark costumes.

1 comment:

Shapiro said...

Wow! How fun! That is so cool to see your girls in skates! Way to go girls! That sounded like a way fun night! :)