Thursday, April 15, 2010

"The Box" @ redbox

You have 2 choices:

1. Don't rent it and forever be left wondering.

2. Rent it and then push the comments button.

You have 24 hrs.


Christie said...

Sorry, I won't be delivering a million bucks to your door, but that's probably a good thing, right?

So, this movie had me on the edge of my seat pretty much the whole time. It was freaky, but very thought provoking as well.

I believe our temptations are as real, just more subtle. I also believe the stakes are just as high.

What did you think?

Kam Belly Soup said...

woah, i havent seen it yet. i think i will be visiting the box

Missy said...

My brother watched it and told me the whole movie so I wouldn't have to watch it. It sound pretty interesting, but not a movie for me.