Saturday, April 24, 2010

Carly's Story

I mentioned to Carly that I got an e-mail about PBS Kids sponsoring a kids' writing contest. While I was in the shower, she came up with her illustrations. Here's her story:

The Giraffe That Escaped from the Zoo

by Carly

There once was a zookeeper and he was feeding the seal when the giraffe took his key.

It was a hot hot day. He hid it under his barrel of food.

He was feeding the elephant and the elephant blew some hay in his face!

A girl named Lynzee came to see the zoo.

She said, “Look, Mommy! There is a giraffe, my favorite animal.”

And the giraffe said, “Look!” and he pointed to the key with his leg.

Lynzee was talking to her friends in her fort about it.

They thought it was so cool that the giraffe could talk.

It was Lynzee’s birthday party. She was playing outside with her friends.

They went back inside and they drank hot chocolate and she blew out the candles.

She made a wish that she could take the giraffe home from the zoo.

She went back to the zoo, and she saw the giraffe.

She knelt down and she picked up the key.

And then she stood up.

She let the giraffe out of her cage and let it out of the zoo.

She went home, climbed up a ladder and put his birthday hat on.

The giraffe said, “Happy Birthday!”

1 comment:

Oklahoma Running Mom said...

I love Carly's personality and sense of creativity. It's so refreshing and fun!