Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A couple more from Myles

Christie saw some floss on the floor of the living room and asked why it was there. Carly said, "Grammy was here last night and made cinnamon rolls." (She happens to be in Panama).

Today at lunch I was staring off into space while the girls were animatedly talking about something that didn't meet Christie's definition of "polite conversation." Christie said, "What would you like to talk about, Myles?" It was really windy, so I said, "I'd like to talk about why the wind is so powerful but air is so light." The girls started talking about something else, and Christie tried to include me again. I said no one wanted to talk about what I was interested in right then. Carly said, "When I'm a man, I'll be interested in talking to you about that." After a second (and my laughter) Robyn said, "That means never." Then Macy said, "Unless you're lucky and get a wishbone and make that wish."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am Grateful for my Kids and the funny/thoughtful things they say

Savorings from Sept.-Nov.

Macy: What if you only had 2 hairs on your head?
(I'm thinking: I'd be bald!)
Macy: You'd be grateful. You'd be really, really grateful for those 2.

Carly (while on a family hike): Woah! Is that a hotel?
Me: No, it's a house.
Carly: They're SO rich. They even have TWO dogs...that would be a fun place to play hide and go seek, but it would be retiring (tiring).

Macy: Mom, I'm glad you're in my family.

Macy: You're an awesome woman, Mom.

Macy: Sometimes, your tongue wants more and more, but you got to listen to your tummy because he says, 'I'm full.'

Macy (Singing to the tune of How Much Is That Doggy in the Window?): How much is that four year old in the window? The one with the smiley face?

Macy (while on the toilet): Mom, will you please get me book...a long book...not like a short one...please.

Macy: Mom, scale yourself!

Carly on Obama's speech she heard @ school: He said that the most important thing to remember is that it doesn't matter how well you're doing compared to others, just if you're working your hardest, If this is the only thing you remember, it is this. Everybody looks different and that's who they are. Don't feel threatened if someone's better than you. Just do YOUR best.

Carly: A boy in my class said he can get his own motorcycle when he's 18. Another boy said when he's 18, he can swear. He was the one unraveling his sock all day.

Macy (after going to the little petting zoo @ the school carnival): Now I know how to hold a kitten properly.

Macy: I'll love you still when I'm 14...EVEN when I'm 21!

Macy: I love you to the tippy top of the mountain...and back...a hundred million times!

Carly: What does Santa do when he's out delivering presents and he has to go to the bathroom?

Macy: flippers (flip flops), flaucet (faucet), blister (blizzard), accept (except), Fake Newtons (Fig Newtons)

Macy (after reading the Very Hungry Caterpillar): So, first there's this egg and then a caterpillar that eats lots and lots. Then he gets into a raccoon, and then he's a big, beautiful butterfly!

Robyn's phrase of the month: I mean, lit-er-a-lly.

Robyn: Video killed the radio star.
Carly: Internet killed the video star.

Me: Is your friend allergic to anything, do you know?
Macy: Yeah. Germs.

Macy: I'm glad you don't work like his mom because it would be like you were dead except that you could come home at night time. That would be sad, really, really sad.

Carly: I know what my teacher's gonna be for Halloween!
Me: Oh, really? Did she tell you?
Carly: No, she didn't tell me, but I've made a projection, and I know it's gonna come true. She's probably gonna be a witch because lots of girl teachers are witches.

Macy: That lady is SO old! But, she used to be 4 just like me someday.

Carly's analogy after hearing Myles explain that he almost got Linux to boot at work, saw the cursor, and that was it: So, it's like if it were dark, and then a light flipped on, but then went out again.

Macy after my cousin's reception: When I get wedded, can I sing with my Daddy and dance with him like that?

Me: What did you like best about the wedding?
Robyn: The music.
Carly: Seeing everyone.
Macy: Everything!

Macy: I love you, Mom. I love you now and forever. I love you so much. I love you so much I could cry because sometimes when you're so happy then you cry.

Carly: If you had to choose, would you rather be a jock or a bookworm?

Macy: One of my old teachers came to visit today.
Me: Really? Which one?
Macy: Ummm...I can't remember her name.
Myles: It was the redhead.
Macy: She didn't have a red head...but she did have red hair.

Macy on Trick-or-Treating: I wish the rain had ceased!

Myles: Do you want some Halloween candy?
Me: No, I already brushed my teeth.
Robyn: You are an unpredictable woman!

Macy: You're never all alone. You always have something with you where ever you go.
Me: Really? What?
Macy: Your body. It always goes with you where ever you go. Isn't that nice?

Myles while Macy's sliding down the handrail at the park: I'm not sure if that's safe.
Macy: But it's more fun than being safe.

Robyn: I know something poisonous I've eaten.
Me: Really? What?
Robyn: Rhubarb leaves.
Carly: Yeah, we know they're poisonous because Mr. Wonka has tested them out on the Oompa Loompas.

Macy singing away: Just a spoon full of alcohol makes the medicine go down...!

Macy: What if we had 100 babies?
Carly: Then we'd each have 20 to take care of.
Me: How did you know that without even thinking about it?
Carly: I did think about it. There's 10 tens in 100, so we each need 2 tens, which is 20.

Macy: I feel kinda love in my heart.

Macy made a little book for me and Myles titled: This is a Special Book. On the back, she drew 2 pics. of herself. Under one, she wrote: R-tist, and under the other: athr.

Macy in her prayer: Please bless us to be happy and not get the stomach flu...or die-ah-ree-ah...or anything sickness!

Me: I'm learning each day to be caring and kind. I think of good deeds in my heart and my...
Macy: Spine!
("mind" from "I'm Learning the Ways of Jesus")

Macy: When I grow up and move out, I'm going to take a picture of me AND print it out so you can remember me.

Robyn: What's a minor?
Me: A child under 18, like you.
Robyn: I'm not a minor! I'm a maximum!

Robyn, referring to her sweater: I've worn this guy for two days. I better put him in the wash.

Macy: My eyes are glued to the pretty mountains, especially because there's still red from the leaves on the bottom and snow on the top.

Macy (in my bed early in the AM): One, two, three, four, I declare a...a...tickle bug!

Macy: My cow is allergic to grass. He can only eat bacon.

Me: What did you talk about in your class at church today?
Carly: Exclamations...I mean apostrophes...No, I mean The Apostasy!

Macy: You wanna piece of meat?! (Meaning, You wanna piece of me?)

Macy: I love you as much as the universe, and apricot jam is in that.

Macy: I love you as much as the stars.  And that's a lot because I love the stars as much as 100 gallons of milk, so I love you more.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Spy with my Little Eye...

something that starts with the letter "P."

Just in Case

This girl tells me that she loves me at least 1,000 times a day. She tries to tell me she loves me more than I could ever love her in a bushel and a peck. I tell her I don't think that's possible.

So, I thought I'd post this just in case someday she starts forgetting how much we love each other!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Peter and the Wolf

Carly got to be the duck this year and had a really fun time with her part. Miss Amber was amazing, as always, doing the adorable costumes and face painting, backdrops, and choreography while still "keeping it magical" for the kids.

I love her smile and eyes in this one. I enjoyed watching her interact so comfortably with the "grandmas" and "grandpas" before her performance at the rest home.

I heard her telling someone that the hardest part was remembering to smile all the time. "But, would YOU be smiling if a wolf was going to eat YOU?" she asked. She thought it was super fun to be eaten and then spit out by her friend, Syd, the wolf.

Macy was in 7th Heaven to get to be the grandfather and act out the show like the "big girls" during her regular dance class. She talked about it nonstop for a week.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Creative Costume

I have to say this is one of the most creative costumes I saw at Robyn's school. I thought it would've gone well with one of the Queen of Hearts!

I asked him if it was getting uncomfortable, but I didn't realize he even thought of putting a boppy pillow between him and the cardboard for comfort and support.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Rainbow Brite

Robyn was excited to get to wear this cool retro costume that her aunt wore when she was a girl. I had fun seeing her school parade and helping with her class party. The moms had fun activities planned including a skeleton scavenger hunt, making GAK, folding cardstock into a coffin and using a mini Twix bar wrapped in gauze for the mummy.

As soon as she got home from trick or treating, she had to take inventory. The girls have been really nice about sharing with each other and their parents :)

Give me a "W!"

Carly decided early on that she wanted to be a cheerleader this year. It was nice and easy.

We went with some cousins to sing at the rest home.

Carly was excited to be invited by one of her new friends at school to a girls only Halloween party where they did some really cool crafts.

Tigger Here

When Robyn was just a baby, long before this little tiger was even born, one of my neighbors came pounding on my door to tell me about the after-Halloween-blowout sale at the Disney Store. I do admit I went a little crazy, but the deals were SO good, I couldn't resist. I re-assured Myles that Robyn and any future children we had would get lots of use out of all of them, which they have. I just can't believe it's been 9 years, and this is the last year of using the last costume!

Macy was really excited to see Pooh Bear at the school parade and wanted a pic.

She was lucky enough to get to join me to help out with Robyn and Carly's class Halloween parties where she got to decorate cookies and make this GAK.

For trick or treating, Myles helped her dream of being a purple robot become a reality. Unfortunately, I didn't get a happy, non-blurry robot picture, but how happy would you be if a wolf was helping you and you couldn't bend your arm?

I felt sad that the girls were taking forever to eat dinner instead of getting ready to go Trick or Treating, but it worked out for the best when they were ready right after the worst down pour.