Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A couple more from Myles

Christie saw some floss on the floor of the living room and asked why it was there. Carly said, "Grammy was here last night and made cinnamon rolls." (She happens to be in Panama).

Today at lunch I was staring off into space while the girls were animatedly talking about something that didn't meet Christie's definition of "polite conversation." Christie said, "What would you like to talk about, Myles?" It was really windy, so I said, "I'd like to talk about why the wind is so powerful but air is so light." The girls started talking about something else, and Christie tried to include me again. I said no one wanted to talk about what I was interested in right then. Carly said, "When I'm a man, I'll be interested in talking to you about that." After a second (and my laughter) Robyn said, "That means never." Then Macy said, "Unless you're lucky and get a wishbone and make that wish."


A Roper said...

Hahahaha! Love it!

Shapiro said...

Ooooh! That is hilarious! Witty!