Friday, March 30, 2012

Out with the Old and in with the New

We got a fun fondue set for Christmas.  We were glad Santa could contribute.

We had some visitors coming, and I wanted to be able to share a fun, easy Easter treat.  Unfortunatley, when I first googled "easy Easter treats," I got nothing but fanciness with either cupcakes or marshmallows (something hard to find here).  I knew I didn't have the time, ingredients or the expertise to make anything look like they did in the pictures.  And, since my children informed our last visitors that the word "overwhelming" in English means "something stressful, you know, like making cookies with Mom," then I knew I needed something that truly was easy and fun.  So, luckily, I found these Easter hummingbird nests.
The lighting in the picture didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, but they were really cute, as well as easy and yummy!  We took someone's advice and used pretzels (something we have a lot of here in Germany) instead of coconut, which I do think looks like little twigs.  I also found tiny jelly beans, which were perfect.  We put them in the fridge to harden.

I am so happy that Spring is here and that Easter is right around the corner. Today is cooler and overcast, but this week we have enjoyed the sunshine.  We've been biking, rollerblading, running, going to the park with friends...  We're enjoying the blossoms and the flowers.  I am loving the lighter, longer days.

Happy Spring!  


The Robins Nest said...

Mmmmm...yes please!

Shapiro said...

So cute! I laughed out loud when you quoted your kids saying the definition of overwhelming - that is really funny! :) Kids are so honest about the things that cause us to be overwhelmed! YOU have always been so good at simplifying and making things beautiful in a low-stress way. I have always appreciated that example! And wish we could have been there to share some pretzel chocolate nests with you! Marcus just took down two of our ceiling fan "bowls" because two different bird families were building their nests in them. I was sad not to witness (as we do every summer) that experience this year... but he doesn't want the birds thinking they can eat everything in our garden (which, apparently, is a big problem in AZ)... chocolate bird nests will have to be something we witness being made around here instead too :) So fun! We love you guys!

Janell said...

We read it again, this time with pictures -- for some reason the email didn't bring the pictures with it. We too liked the definition of overwhelming. I'm not sure that the salty flavor of pretzels would be all that good.