Monday, November 26, 2012

Ah, the Simple Joys in Life

Every Monday night we have what's called Family Home Evening where we have a song, prayer, little lesson, activity, and of course a treat.  We all take turns being in charge of each part, which the girls love.  Tonight, we'd planned on taking a family walk to deliver some invitations for making gingerbread houses, but it was cold...and...dark...and rainy.  I was proud of Carly for not getting upset when we said we needed her to come up with something different.  After talking about how miracles still exist today, like in the time of Jesus, eating German cookies and sipping lemon tea, Carly grabbed Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein and had each of us read our favorite poem.  It was great fun!  After the girls were in bed, Myles and I enjoyed laughing over some of the less read ones.  Which one is your favorite?


sarahflib said...

Oh, Madeline and I love to read those poems. She especially likes "Lazy Jane" and "The Crocodile's Toothache."

Kristin said...

I don't remember any off the top of my head, but i do remember sitting around reading them when I was younger.

Fun FHE. :)