Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Swirl Bread


When Myles was a kid, his mom liked to bring this kind of bread to the widows in their neighborhood when they went trick-or-treating.

When she came to visit, she brought the food coloring, etc, so she could make it with the girls.  Robyn had fun taking it to her Halloween party for English class, where they also got a kick out of bobbing for apples.

We made these with the extra dough that didn't fit in the loaf pans, and thought they were pretty fun.

It is also fun to make the black coloring on the outside so that people think the bread is burned or moldy...


Kristin said...

That's really cool. I have never seen it before. I bet the kids in her class loved it! Is there a recipe to share?

Melissa B. said...

I remember receiving some swirl bread one October day. I thought it was the coolest and to this day I still think about it..."How did she make that?" Fun, fun family traditions.
Love the new family pic!

Christie said...

Here's the "secret" recipe:

31/4 c. very warm water (with the white or orange, decrease the water to 3 c.)
1/3 c. sugar
2 T. yeast
1 T. salt
1/3 c. oil
7 c. flour (whole wheat for the black, white for the orange)
1/4 container paste coloring black or orange

Add ingredients in order given. Allow the yeast to soften before adding the rest. Mix until smooth and elastic. Allow to rise double. Form into loaves. I usually use about half and half and roll the black out then smooth the orange over it. If the orange dough breaks it doesn't matter a lot. It is usually softer than the black. Let rise double in the pans and bake at 350 for 1/2 hour, longer if the loaves are larger, shorter for the cupcakes.

Of course if you have a favorite bread recipe, you just add the color.