Sunday, November 18, 2012

Our Pumpkin Patch

When we did a special treasure hunt to break the news to the girls, they were SO excited.  Macy screamed, "I always wanted a silly bean!  Or, what is it called?  Oh, yeah, a sib-il-ing."  Soon after I'd found out that it was official, but the girls didn't know yet, I was helping Macy fill out a friend book where she includes her picture and answers some questions about herself.  One of the questions was, "If you had a wish, what would it be?"  She said, "A baby brother or a sister."  The girls worked a long time doing their jobs, etc, to fill a bean jar.  When it was filled, they could each choose a Mommy Daughter or Daddy Daughter Date.  Macy said she wanted her date to be shopping with me for something for the baby.  But, she wants to wait to see if  it's a boy our a girl first, so she knows what we should buy.  She does know that she wants to buy an orange stroller.

Although it was not in our plans to have this big of a gap, it is fun to see how much of an opinion the girls already have on things, and fun that they will be want to help so much and be able to remember when their baby sister or brother was little.

The girls wanted to wait to break our news to others until Myles' parents came for a visit, so that we could tell them face to face.  When I said that we might have to tell some people we see because I'd be showing, Carly said, "That's OK.  They'll just think you've been eating more hamburgers."

People were surprised that we told them before we were starting to tell everyone else.  They thought it was fun to keep the secret.  Then, each of them got to choose one person who they wanted to tell first.

We're excited to see around Christmas time if we'll be continuing our pattern of girls or if we'll have a boy this time.  Of course, we're just grateful this little pumpkin is coming!


adventure knitter said...

wow! congrats!! that's awesome news!

sarahflib said...

Christie! Congratulations to all of you! That's so exciting. Also: Thanks for the vampires! I will e-mail you, but that made my day!

Unknown said...

Congrats. That is so exciting. What a blessing for your family. The girls will be such big helpers.

KC Crouch said...

Congrats! That is so awesome! All of the girls will be such great big sisters to a new little one!

Anonymous said...

So exicted for the arrival of your silly bean!!!
Aunt Sue

Rob & Michelle Eberly Family said...

So so excited! It is actually really nice having the gap between kids! ; )

Kristin said...

Congratulations again!!!!! I am SO, SO happy for all of you !!! It was so great to see you. Loved our visit. And those gummy bears were awesome. Thanks. How is it being back?

Kristin said...

Love the "silly bean" quote. Too cute.

Melissa Huff said...

Congratulations! How exciting. I hope you're feeling well.

Shapiro said...