Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Deep Thoughts, advice...

Macy: Who held me before I was born?
Christie: You lived in heaven with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Macy: Did Heavenly Father invite me to His home?

Macy: Baby Jesus died for us...I wanna be a missionary.
Christie: What do missionaries do?
Macy: They stay on the sidewalk! If they're on the road, then they'll get bonked by a car!

Our family roles as defined by Macy @ 6 AM: Carly is the Tickle Bug. Robyn is the Spanker Girl. Daddy is The Ice-Cream Man, and Mom is Mom.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I love the missionary comment, after all no one wants to get bonked by a car. I also love that as usual mom is just mom.

Isn't it great to record all those fun things your kids say!