Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Macy's Big Fan

When Macy fell off the swing at the park and landed head first into the wood chips, it was her big sister, Carly, who brought her to me. (Myles helped get all the splinters out, thank you).

The next day, we were running late for church, but I couldn't help but wait when I heard Carly say, "Oh, Macy, you look so cute. I need to get the camera and take a picture of you."

When we got home from church, Macy said sadly, "Nobody noticed my jacket or my flower I picked out. They just kept asking me about my head."

There are only 2 months left of just Macy and Carly getting to play together in the mornings. (Then, it will be summer break, and then Carly will be gone all day). This morning, they were having Easter egg hunts with each other, after doing their trolls' hair. I'm glad they have each other.

1 comment:

Oklahoma Running Mom said...

I love that your girls are such great friends! So wonderful!