Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fun in Sun and Snow

I was so glad Macy and I could take this trip together to meet Baby Mike and spend time with the rest of the family. Macy had fun being the big helper and playing with Tyler. She was so proud to hold Mike and "babysit."

One day, we were freezing, and the next we were at the park and blowing bubbles. I guess that's OK for ya.

We were also glad for the friends and cousins we got to see on our way out.


Anonymous said...

Macy, It looks like you had a lot of fun with baby Mike and Tyler,
You really went up high on the trampoline! Gram

Janell said...

I love your "hair on the tramp" pictures. I can only imagine how much fun the 2 year old had with Macy. I love how you are smiling at him so much. The baby doesn't even know how lucky he is to have a cousin like you.

I'm so glad you guys are wise enough to spend time with your family. I admire your lots.