Saturday, July 10, 2010

Celebrating our Freedom, Our Family

Some Highlights:

Myles' (91-yr-old) grandma riding the go-carts. After one lap, she got off and said, "I'd rather keep my liver and kidneys in the same place, thank you."

"The Wheel of Death" (Uncle Gaven's homemade merry-go-round)

"Happy Shapes" (the Lucky Charms equivalent)

fishing and squishing (it was a wee bit muddy out there)

being among luscious green meadows, little rivers, and a herd of sheep

riding a 4 wheeler for the first time

All the fam, of course (we missed everyone who couldn't make it)!

Knock Your Block Off

patriotic hair bows

Going to Grandma's old church together with cousins

Aunt Frances teaching Robyn's class

Laffy Taffy (ha, ha, maybe NOT so funny for some of us)

sunny, cool weather

Carly's eye being OK after getting 2 weeds stuck in it while riding the go-carts, and the cool shades everyone's wearing after the incident (thanks, Aryl, for your help)

Hearing Gaven and Janell sing and play the guitar

Our car rides. On the way home, we were asking the kids random questions...
Me: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Ryan: Uncle Gaven's!

Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Dylan: Whatever Uncle Gaven is!

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