Thursday, October 28, 2010


My bro. flew in for 2 friends' weddings. He borrowed a friend's car to drive an hour each way to stop by and see us during his busy, short stay. Macy was delighted to have him drop her off at preschool. Carly and Robyn thought it was a pretty cool surprise to have Uncle Mike be there when I picked them up from school.

Today, I was telling Macy how much I love my brothers.
Macy: Are you sad you don't have any sisters?
Me: Yeah, sometimes. I'm glad you have two sisters.
Macy: Maybe in a couple years I'll see if I get a brother, but if not, I'll still always have one.
Me: Really? Who's that?
Macy: Jesus.

1 comment:

Mike said...

You have 3 brothers lucky you Christie ;-) More like OH BROTHER! ha ha love you sister. Maybe the Watsons will have 3 girls and a boy and you can tell him you know what its like....