Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Gift that keeps on Giving

After Carly Noel was born, I came home from the hospital to a fun sign on the door, a clean house, and a beautiful Christmas cactus, thanks to Myles' mom and sister. It's been so much fun to have a plant as old as Carly, watching both of them bloom and grow.

As we're getting ready to leave the country, I mentioned to Carly that it would be nice to give her plant to someone while it was so pretty. She came up with one of our elderly neighbors and was really sweet about gladly sharing it with her.


Shapiro said...

I'm trying to guess which sweet neighbor... :) I love that plant and that picture! What a sweet blooming with kindness girl is Carly Noel! :)

Anonymous said...

It was so thoughtful of you to give your elderly neighbor your special cactus.