Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Grafs" by Carly

I think this was probably the timed writing assessment that Carly's teacher was referring to when she talked about Carly's "passion for writing" and her "voice," which "is unfortunately not part of the grading at this level yet."  I think whoever read her story was blessed with a bit of comic relief. 
Grafs by Carly
My favorite cind of animal.  Is grafs.  Because well I do not know why.  Do you like grafs?  Well, I do.  You shad be caring for them.  Grafs are vary, vary tall!  Their necs are tall!  Their boty is tall to.  So I ges they ore tall.  So you read that they are tall.  Rit?  Thay code steap on a egg and smush it.  They mady code steap on a ostrig's egg.  And smush it.  But thay do not have beaks.  And Thay do not have eggs.  That is a bird!  So I got you cler on that.

Do you have any cwechins about grafs?  Well I can not tell you in les I meat you!  So, les get some thing els cler.  They are not like reptils.  Thay do no have scals.  They live in warm plase.  So have I got ever thing cler?  No?  I have nat.  I am going crazy!

I am telling something important grafs eat laves! tha's why they have log necs.  and Thay are funny!  But...I kone that is haw I feel.  But I am not done yet.  I have so much more to tell you!  And Thay have a lot fo spots!  I am telling you Thay do have a lot of spots.  Yoooooa!  I kone!  Thay do!  

I love taking adout grafs.  I have so much mro to tell you!  But I am out of time!  

I love grafs!


Oklahoma Running Mom said...

That is one of the best things I've ever read. I love it!

Janell said...

Wow, Carly, I never got anything half so interesting when I was teaching. Keep it up. I'm not sure you will be the illustrator. You might do both like Audrey Wood.

stacyross said...

Oh my goodness, this is fantastic!!

Kristin said...

This is the funniest thing i have read in days. I love it. you need to keep this forever and ever. I want to keep it forever and she isn't mine!!

I also took a few minutes to get caught up on your life. I am sorry I couldn't comment . . . dial up is a bit slower. But i love reading about your sweet family.

And I didn't know Miles was family was from Australia. That is cool.

So when is the big day??? (you are still moving, right?)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your writing, Carly! Maybe you just like tall mammals with orange spots like your Uncle Mike. He's not a reptile and doesn't have a beak or scales although his last name is Robins so...