Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chicken Lips and Lizard Hips...

When I was a little boy,
I didn't like to eat.
Mama put things on my plate
I dumped them on her feet.
Then one day, she made some soup,
I ate it all in bed.
I asked her what she put in it,
and this is what she said...

Oh, chicken lips and lizard hips,
and alligator eyes,
monkey legs and buzzard eggs,
and salamander thighs,
rabbit ears and camel rears,
and tasty toenail pies,
Stir 'em all together,
it's Mama's soup surprise!

I went into the bathroom,
and I stood beside the sink
I said I'm feeling slightly ill,
I think I'll get a drink.
Mama said I've just the thing,
I'll get it in a wink.
It's full of lots of protein,
and vitamins, I think.

Oh, chicken lips and lizard hips...

This is a song Myles' mom taught him that he had fun teaching Carly's preschool class. (We found other fun images from the Internet to go with the song).

We LOVE Carly's teacher!

Carly: She's SUCH a nice person...she's EVEN nicer than Spider Man!

1 comment:

Rob & Michelle Eberly Family said...

Nicer than Spiderman 'eh? That's quite the compliment.