Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Daddy's big little Helper!

This is the way we help our dad, help our dad, help our dad. This is the way we help our dad weed our flower gardens!

It felt so good to get rid of all the old, dead stuff out of our iris beds, etc. Every year, we say we're gonna get on top of the weeds. May this be the year! I was surpised Robyn was so uninterested in helpling, until we came inside and found out she had a high fever. So, this is what the girls are proud of lately...

Robyn: swallowing her first pill (we were out of liquid Tylenol).
Carly: growing freckles
Macy: snapping her fingers and whistling

(After all the diggin' in the dirt)
Me: It's time to get in the bathtub!
Macy: I wish if I could be a bug.
Me: Why?
Macy: Because bugs don't ever have to get clean. They don't have a bathtub.

(Of course, once I get her in, I can't get her out)!

1 comment:

Rob & Michelle Eberly Family said...

Can we hire you to come week our yard? Yuck. This is our year too!